Saturday, February 2, 2008

Are You Ready For This War?

The greatest reward
is to see the light in your eyes
the touch of your skin
and the love i can give.

You will never be ready for this war my darling
Your not standing up to them today
And i'm sure in future you will not too.

I'm ready for this
I'm ready to face all the consequences
I might be young, but i hell know what i'm doing
And now i'm telling you
I'm here, i'm ready, i'm prepared
Are you, my darling?

Are you willing to back me up?
Will you fight with them for me?
Will you go to war and sacrifice everything
Just for me?

If all is answered yes, then i'm ready to open my arms wide.
If your not, don't return.
You need both hands to make a clapping sound, that's what they say.
You told me so.
Am i a disgrace to you?
Am i not enough for you?
Am i not your girl?

I'm sure you love me
I know you do
But loving me isn't enough
Show me that you love me
Show me that i'm more important to you
Than your family.

If you think it's not a right time to meet them
By all means, fine.
If you think we'r too young, then i say, stop this right now
Don't give me false hope that someday i might be a part of your family
If you want me to wait
I will! But how could i be sure that i will get something back in return?
How sure am i that you will be my backbone someday?
What if that day does not come?

Why care about them when it's just you and me?
Why are we related to them, when we'r the one in a relationship?
Am i in a relationship with your family also?

I don't think you have my back
I don't think this will work if you don't stand up for me

Destiny child sang, stand up for love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.